After 90 years, we still have to fight for fairness, justice and compassion - but it is a fight that we're determined to win.

We believe no-one should live in poverty.
Founded in 1930, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL) has since grown into one of Australia’s most notable social justice organisations, with a diverse professional staff and over 1,000 volunteers.
Our mission is to pursue systemic change, for a fairer, more compassionate and just society in which all can participate in social, civic and economic life, create and share prosperity, and treat each other with dignity and respect.
The founding convictions for a transformed society, expressed through the generous diversity of the Anglican faith, remain core to the BSL’s mission into the twenty-first century. They provide an inclusive invitation to those of all faiths and no faith to work in partnership to eradicate poverty and see lives transformed.
BSL’s strategy over the coming years sums up the vocation of BSL - contemporised, but standing strong in this founding faith, as loving service in the pursuit of justice.

It’s all about making change that lasts.
We work alongside people experiencing disadvantage to address the fundamental causes of poverty in Australia.
Using an evidence-based approach and working with others, we strive to address broader systems issues that allow poverty to exist. This way, our work can make a real difference to increase participation and inclusion for all people living in poverty in Australia.
Whether it takes the next ten years, or a further 90 years to realise the vision, one thing is certain… we will continue to proudly be a strong voice for people experiencing disadvantage.
Because we believe no-one should live in poverty.